
cultural difference compare — UK VS China

cultural difference — UK VS China
UK — Chips/ ice cream/ sugar
China– gravy meat, chicken feet, pig feet, duck neck, dried bamboo shoots(笋干), torfu(豆腐干),Chips,melon seeds…
staple food:
UK — potato
China — Rice
Eat food time:
UK — 8.00am/ 13.00pm / 19.00pm
China– 6.00-11.oo am/ 11.00-13.00/ 17.00-19.00pm / 22.00- 2.00am
UK — are you ok? / are you all right?
China–are you eating? / where are you going?
UK — fire alarm
China–fire extinguisher(灭火器)
UK — no fire, 4   /  no ventilator
China– gas fire, 2  /  ventilator
Animal on the street:
UK – pigeon / squirrel / dog
China– city: full of people    —countryside: pig/ chicken/ duck/ goose/ dog
old people’s live :
UK — at home?
China — Play Majiang & cards / do Tai Ji / dancing in the park  after dinner  —take care of grandchildren— help son/daughter to blind date
the disabled:
UK — out
China — at home
buy food:
UK– wheelbarrow
China — hand
bus/ tube phenomenon :
UK — newspaper / books —-left hand
China — chat / TV news & entertainment  – crowded/ overweight — right hand
UK — no /cycleway/
China –Driveway/ Non-Driveway
Enterprise working time:
UK — Mon. to Fri. 9.00-5.00  /  weekend: Saturday & Sunday
China — Mon. to Sat.  (8.00-9.00)—-(5.00-? midnight ) more than 8 hours  per day/ work overtime without money/  Weekend : Sunday
Sat./Sun. entertainment:
UK – Exhibition/Museum / Drama/shopping / pub / club
China — KTV/shopping/games(Killers of Three Kingdoms/The Werewolves of Miller’s Hollow/ mafia)/ pub /Club
UK- coffee bar/ tea+milk
China –tea room / tea
UK -Busking
China – old/ disabled Beggar
UK – workshop/ gift shop / donate
China – charge
Children in the weekend :
UK – go to museum
China- go to cramming school
UK – keep right
China – full of people
UK- police protect ?
China – impossible exist
UK- camera
China – China news at 19:00 in every TV program.
Bank holiday:
UK-  many
China – no
Work effective:
UK – ineffective
China -effective
UK – black big / shower of rain
China – colourful small/ full of colour umbrella
UK- clean
China – smelly /  countryside: latrine(茅坑)
UK- see Chinese younger than the real age. /  fat & skinny coexist
China – see Britons mature  /  girls want to be thinner and thinner

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