
Critical research paper- proposal

*  Possible Title of Project:
1.     Britons perception about China and Chinese perception about UK
2.     How young generation talk about the UK and China?

*  Url of blog (research journal process): http://zhangying1217.wordpress.com/

*  Which key theme/issue/problem is at the center of your proposal?
Being a Chinese myself study in the UK, I always wonder what Britons think of China and what Chinese think about the UK?
For Britons:
What are Britons impressions of China?
What do they think about Chinese culture, 5000 years history, art, food?
What do the Britons view Chinese luxury consumption? 
What do the Britons view China Town?
What do the Britons think about Kong-Fu and Tai chi?
What do the Britons think about 2008 Olympic games in Beijing?
What do the Britons think about Chinese in the UK?
How Britons look at the overseas Chinese students group?
What do the Britons think about the rise of China?
What China's raise means for Britain and it's people?
What are young Britons (18-30) talk about the UK and China?
Do you want to go to China? What attracts you?
How do the Britons look at "made in China"?
Do you think China is mysterious? How?
What do you think about China's territory?
For Chinese:
What do Chinese think about the UK and Britons? (Architecture, Culture, History...)
How overseas students/Chinese/tourists look at their lives in the UK?
What are Chinese impressions of UK before they come to the UK? After?
What do Chinese think about 2012 Olympic games in London?
What do you miss about China?
What are overseas student think about the education system and what do they look at their life?
Do you afraid of Riots and terrorist attacks in the UK?
What do you think about transport in London? (Tube, double bus, taxi)
What do you think about animal in London? (Pigeon, squirrel…)
The topics overlap too wide, which is include history, culture, politics, art and design, life. I am thinking about how to use the way of art and design to express all of them.

*  Where does your own viewpoint of the subject come from- what has shaped your beliefs?
To begin with, as a Chinese from Mainland China, I did not have many opportunities to get in touch with people from other countries, so when I came to London, I suffered a particularly large culture shock. When I ask foreigners something about China, I found they know little about china, and sometimes they have false sense. Then I found it is interesting that different people perception about China.
In the second place, as for the education system and the way of education are so different in the UK and China, I was inspired by my tutor Kieron during the Project 1group discussion and influenced by Suzanne Rankin and other different countries students discussion about politics, culture, fashion, events, media, value and so on in every Thursday morning Insessional English Support. It is so interesting when every student from different countries talk about everything in their positions and values. They gave me lots of affection about my country.
Moreover, I found the treatment is so different when I face different countries people by passers-by.
All of these experiences shaped my own viewpoint of the subject.

Most British people know China and Chinese people through media (BBC, guardian…); newspaper; movies; novels and friends, but sometimes each media has its own position, so the information they received is sometimes biased subjective. Even many Chinese consider that “ Do not judge China from the media, because the real China is not on the papers.”

* Key resources:
1. Media (TV/newspaper…):
BBC and guardian website about China (include comments)
(BBC 2: the Chinese are coming)
China town (Chinese newspaper)
2.     Forum/website
3.     Short film (YouTube)
4.     Articles

* Investigation:
Which way shall I use to investigate it?
1From media, Chinese newspaper, TV program…  (BBC, guardian, newspaper… )
2.  From questionnaires, interview, record…
3.  From articles (Expert perception), forum comments, YouTube…
4.  From photography, movie, short film, picture’s feedback…

The resources are all in my Url of blog; here I select what resources are useful and inspire me.
1.     UK photographer Adrian Fisk  (I speak China)
What are China’s young people thinking about? http://www.adrianfisk.com/
This resource inspires me to think about how to use different ways to do a social investigation. (Photography, film record, posters, and interaction…?)
2. 10minutes and you know about China
3. Differences between German and Chinese

These resources inspire me to think about how to use art form to show differences. (Abstract or concrete form, animation, logo…?)

*  Fields of interest(map of GDC)
1.     Use photography and video to record investigation.
2.      Collect what interviewer draw to make postcards.
3.      Illustration/poster
4.      Interaction
5.      Animation

*  Main sources of research:
Websites/Experts/Articles/Books/Other case studies
These resources inspire me to think about how to use different ways to do a social investigation (Photography, film record, posters, and interaction…?) and how to use art form to show differences.

*  Type of experiments:
1collect information about 2 countries differences.
2design posters or something to investigate, at the same time record the process.
3 compare 2 countries different.
4 make an animation or some other things.

*  Research methodology:
Interaction and generative system

*  Problems:
1.     London is a diversified city, shall I need to do the research about different countries people’s perception about China or just Britons?
2.     Shall I need to narrow range about age, culture or something like that?
3.     How to use art form to express literature?

*  Friends advisefrom Jade and Kong
1. Designer draws something to let other people join in the design and research to complete design.
2. Let participator draw what they think. (Just like some interactions in Tate Modern) collect and exhibit them. 
3. Make huge posters and put it on the wall in crowded places.

*  Possible final artifact:
1. Postcards made a book or exhibition on the wall
2. Animation
3. Posters on the street, everyone can comment it.
4. Documentary

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