
logo 'Perception' &19th-century British view of Chinese.


Inspired by Ikko Tanaka, according to the history photo and theory, I used line and colour to design the logo 'Perception'.

I was inspired by a book called Information is beautiful, by David McCandless.

The Great Firewall of China
- Blocked sites. Banned search terms.

It is directly perceived through the senses of information.

I summarized the perception about each country in the history, and then I did the contours of the map and dialog boxes in the form of each perception.
Here, the blue and red is extracted from the flag of the United Kingdom and China.

Britons perception about China

14-18 century, Fantasy / Imaginary empire, old fantasy empire's disillusion19-20 Century, the "Yellow Peril" panic Suffering China 20th century, Utopia "Shangri-La" Red Star of China Red dragon led blue ants 21st century, opening China and China in UK

Chinese perception about UK

Red hair people uncivilized / tributary tribe Hate / Colonists Worry & panic Imperialist country Great Britain Friendly UK Cosmopolitan Chaos Shopping paradise Little Britain


According to the time line, I began to create the 19th-century British view of Chinese.

In the 1840 Sino-British Opium War, UK opened the door of the ancient China and made each other started a new chapter in the understanding of the world.


I created the piece of foreigners perception of Chinese in the Qing Dynasty in the 19th-century.

Based on the history during 1780s -1850s, UK industrial revolution; the rapid development of capitalism, and the powerful of British Royal Navy bred out of the perception with racism.

I tried to use humorous attitude to look at the heavy history.

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