
Generative system- case study from GDC area

Puddle Builder 03 [Processing]

Used for the Posters and flyers for The Puddle (Stall 6), Andreas Gysin with Sidi Vanetti created this Processing for the production of the rasters, eventually screen printed on coloured paper.
Built with a modified version of Toxi’s cp5magic.
Try the applet version of the Puddle Builder 03 (PDF export is disabled).
Andreas Gysin. Born in Zürich. Design and code in Lugano, Switzerland. Occasionally teaching interaction at SUPSI, Lugano and ECAL, Lausanne. For projects and weirdness with pal Sidi Vanetti visit: www.gysin-vanetti.com
Previously: hms [iPhone] - a digital sculpture by Andreas Gysin

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