
Balance-Exclusive Oscar Winning Cartoon (1989)

David Shrigley

The short narrative unfolded in the animation New Friends(2006)is a slightly brutal morality tale of social conformity.


Kuang Kuang's diary- Blowing up the school

Internet subculture: the wittiest space in China

Great article in the NY Times recently on China’s contraversial internet humour and subculture: read more here.
These satirical videos by Chinese animator Pi San went viral online, the first of the series reaching 3 million viewers in the first day it was released:

Blowing up the school


Kuang Kuang blows up the schoolEarly this year, an animation showing a group of bunnies oppressed by tigers and then rising up in rebellion became an overnight hit in China, soon making it to international TV news, including Australia’s ABC.The video was part of an long series of animations featuring Kuang Kuang, the little boy with the bloody nose. Kuang Kuang’s adventures are pure fantasy, but to many Chinese people born in the 1970s and 1980s, Kuang Kuang’s school experiences are all too familiar. The animations are also the closest thing China has to South Park.In the episode you can watch below, Kuang Kuang is madder then hell, and he’s not going to take it any more, so he blows up his school, something many overworked Chinese school children have probably fantasized about. The episode is presented here for the first time with English subtitles.Blowing up the school

Uploaded to Danwei’s Youtube account with the permission of the creators. All rights reserved by 北京互象动画有限公司 Copyright 2010-2011 Kuanger.com, subtitles by Kuanger.com.